SpinOff Development

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Simis would like to thank the following people
for supporting the development of SpinOff:

Klaus Zerbe wrote a good article about the open source 3D-engine genesis3D in c't and gave the starting shot. He additionally wrote some converting tools and the engine wrapper I used as a foundation. http://klaus.zerbe.com

David Stafford, the maker of genesis3D, published the game engine as open source, and its license is just right for independent game developers. Part of the engine are monsters and textures, some of them can be seen in the game. http://www.genesis3d.com

Ingo Schweizer made some very useful tutorials, they gave me a perfect start in level design.

The genesis forum was always a great help. I never saw a forum with so many helpful people, not only for technical help. http://www.genesis3d.com/forum

A very special thank for Jerry from alien-logic for the SpinOff intro including music. http://alien-logic.com
Stefan Richter did most of the menu. He found many bugs and gave a number of hints making the levels just perfect. http://www.stric.de
Juergen Nuetzel, he encouraged me more than once, not to give up. His supports independent game development in germany. http://www.4fo.de

Marc O'Hara will publish SpinOff with IP in USA. He too supports independend game development, just look at http://www.IndieParadise.com